The investment calculator objective of the MSM Property Fund tool (the “tool”) is to help provide education and estimate on how current savings and estimated future contributions can assist in clients understanding what outcomes may come. Using information that you provide, the tool gathers general information about a hypothetical scenario and roughly estimate how that scenario may perform over time without accounting for volatility in returns. The estimated results offered by the tool are not intended to be investment advice or recommendations, and you should not rely on the tool as the primary basis for your saving or investment decisions.
The tool uses TVM (Time Value of Money) calculations regular contributions or once off contribution to estimate how long and how much you need to invest to reach your financial goal.
Time Value of Money Formula
Following is the time value of money formula on how to calculate TVM.
TVM = Principal * (1 + r)^n; r = interest rate
n = number of compounding periods per year
The tool does not include any management fees or fees/taxes associated with the product and doesn’t illustrate the impact of account expenses to estimated future balances and, if considered, such fees would reduce performance. The hypothetical projections of the returns also doesn’t factor in withdrawals from the product over the years. The 10% used in the interest rate calculation is only for demonstrative purposes and not a confirmation of current and future rates for the product.